Friday, February 10, 2006

Banning Sharia

Rationality Vs. Blatant, Undeniable Evil

I thought that this was an important discussion between Jamie Glasgov, McCarthy, Holtzer and May. But I do take issue with Jamie trying to continually appear ‘moderate’ by appealing to ‘moderate’ Muslims or ‘moderate Islam’. Islam is what it has always been since its very inception 1400 years ago. ‘Moderate’ Muslims are ‘moderate’ not because of anything found in Islam itself, but only insofar as they have been influenced by our Western civilizing culture, with its obvious freedoms which have inevitably produced a certain affluence. Surely, we must appeal not to ‘moderate Muslims’ (or any other ‘moderate’ group): rather, we must appeal to rational minds. And we must have the courage to come to know, name and face, head on, the nature of our true enemy—which are irrational and savage belief systems that if allowed to co-exist with us, will eventually destroy our way of life. We are at WAR with an irrational and brutally savage enemy who are very clear about what they stand for and what it is they hope to achieve—while at the same time most people in the West have become intellectually enfeebled by decades of ‘social-democratic-liberalism’ and are consequently utterly confused about what our culture and economic system represents.

Stop trying to appear ‘moderate’. Make a lifelong commitment to rationality; struggle to know what is right and therefore good and also what is evil. Then have the courage to JUDGE, choose and then make your stand. America no longer needs hordes of spineless intellectuals whose whole lives consist in making sure they are perceived by society as being ‘moderate’ or ‘tolerant’—that lot have had their day and have done their damage. Circumstances now require that people in America exercise their rational minds, come to know what is right and then stand up to the blatant evil that is confronting us all.


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