Tuesday, February 28, 2006

The Reason for the Bomb in the Turban

A cartoon of the prophet Mohammed with a bomb in his turban has offended people all over the world. But what was the cartoonist's message? The combination of Islam and terror has offended millions of Muslims, who see the satirical drawing as an expression of the West's contempt for Muslims and their religion. However, according to the cartoonist responsible for the controversial image, this is a misunderstanding. ________________________________________________ What was the message of your cartoon of the prophet Mohammed with a bomb in his turban?

"The cartoon is not directed against Islam as a whole, but against the part of it which obviously can inspire to violence, terrorism, death and destruction. And therefore the fundamentalist aspect of Islam. I wanted to show that terrorists get their spiritual ammunition from Islam."

Why was it important for you to get that message across?

"If a religion degenerates into religious Fascism, we are faced with totalitarian tendencies similar to Fascism and Nazism in the past. It is the same situation, where people have to bow their heads and act as the regime wants them to act. I believe we have to fight against that and of course a cartoonist's weapon is the pen or pencil and a certain amount of indignation."

Click on the following link to read the full article:

  • The Reason for the Bomb in the Turban

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